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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Ongoing Legal Battle


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, once considered Hollywood’s brilliant couple, have been entangled in a petulant separate fight since 2016. The separate procedures have been checked by affirmations of physical and passionate mishandles, care debates, and monetary contradictions. Here’s a timeline of their legitimate fight.

2016:Angelina Jolie Files for Divorce

Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt in September 2016, citing beyond reconciliation contrasts. The news stunned fans around the world, as the couple had been together for over a decade and were considered an image of Hollywood’s idealized marriage.

2016:Brad Pitt’s Denial of Abuse Allegations

In no time after the separate recording, affirmations of physical and passionate manhandling surfaced against Brad Pitt. Pitt passionately denied the affirmations, and an examination by the Los Angeles Office of Children and Family Administrations and the FBI was conducted. No charges were recorded due to the need for proof.Â

2018:Custody Disputes

In 2018, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt locked in a custody debate over their six children. Jolie looked for sole physical guardianship, whereas Pitt looked for joint physical guardianship. The debate was inevitably settled, with the couple concurring to share joint guardianship.

2022:Financial Disagreements

In 2022, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s lawful fight moved to money-related differences. Jolie accused Pitt of coming up short on paying satisfactory child support, whereas Pitt claimed Jolie was endeavoring to stigmatize him. The budgetary debate remains progressing.Â

2023:Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s Name Change

 As of late, the couple’s girl, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, recorded to alter her title to Shiloh Jolie, dropping her father’s final title. This move has started a theory around the continuous pressures between the previous couple.Â

The separate procedures between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are, however, yet to be finalized, with monetary and guardianship issues still uncertain. The lawful fight has been a long and disagreeable one, with no conclusion in sight.Â

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